Jackson Park Planning Earns Discussion

Photo Courtesy of City of Atchison

(KAIR)--Future planning for Atchison's Jackson Park moves forward with the approval of a master plan for that location, but that approval didn't happen until lengthy discussion about the plan came to a conclusion.

It happened Tuesday night, during the regular meeting of the Atchison City Commission.

As Deputy Public Works Director Clinton McNemee presented the plan, Commissioner Charlie Perdue questioned the proposals.

That included his vocal opposition to the now completed demolition of the long-standing Mushroom shaped shelter house that stood on the park's Guerrier Hill. “It was a slap in the face to tear down that shelter, which was donated by the Muchnic Foundation, which has donated a lot of different things for the City of Atchison,” Perdue stated.

The shelter was demolished following past, recent approval of the Commission, with Perdue opposing the plan.

Tuesday evening, he questioned the rationale behind the demolition, alleging that past statements regarding what was identified as a collapsing roof had been exaggerated. McNemee disputed the claim that rocks not related to the structure had been mistaken as portions of the roof.

Following the discussion, the Commission moved forward with approval, while Perdue voted against the plan.

According to documents related to the matter, the Jackson Park Master Plan is for advisory purposes only.

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