KS AG: Tobacco Settlement Ads Are a Scam

Former KS Atty General Derek Schmidt

TOPEKA – (June 16, 2017) – Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt today warned Kansans that advertisements appearing online that purport to offer consumers a share of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement are a scam.

“The Master Settlement Agreement reached in 1998 was to repay Kansas taxpayers for the health-related costs of tobacco use in our state,” Schmidt said. “The MSA has never provided payments directly to individuals. Any advertising that claims to help individual Kansans collect money from the settlement is a scam.”

The online ads, which began appearing recently, suggest that consumers can receive thousands of dollars per month from the tobacco settlement. However, before the consumer can access the information on how to file a claim, they are directed to purchase a subscription to the website for between $79 and $129. The subscription form requires the consumer’s personal information and credit card number.

Schmidt reminded Kansans never to give out their personal or financial information online, except to known, trusted websites using secure connections.

Consumers who have received these advertisements and paid money to the scammers are encouraged to file a complaint with the attorney general’s office online at www.InYourCornerKansas.org or by calling (800) 432-2310.

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