Pre-teen Driver Arrested After Crashing Into Tree

(KAIR)--A 12-year-old boy escapes with no injuries after crashing a family member's vehicle into a tree.

“At 9:40 Tuesday morning, officers responded to an accident scene in an alley adjacent to L Street,” said Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson. “There, they found a 2002 Dodge Durango with extensive damage that had struck a tree with no driver present. The investigation followed led officers to a 12-year-old male. He now faces charges in juvenile court of reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident.”

He says the child took the vehicle from a family member without permission while cleaning it.

“12-year-old driving who has no history or experiencing driving a vehicle, driving recklessly in an alley—as unfortunate as the whole incident is, at least no one was inured,” Wilson said.”

After his arrest, the child was released to a guardian.

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