KS Legislature Approves Sale of Beer by Grocery Stores

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Grocery and convenience stores could start stocking full-strength beer in two years under a bill passed this week by the Legislature.
The Senate passed the bill 27-11 on Friday. The House passed it 80-45 on Thursday.
Under the bill, grocery and convenience stores could sell beer with up to 6 percent alcohol by volume, while liquor stores could sell more non-alcoholic products, like mixers, shot glasses, lottery tickets and tobacco products.
Some lawmakers were concerned that large grocery chains stocking full-strength beer could put small liquor stores out of business.
The bill is a compromise between the two industries and their associations after a years-long effort to get wine, liquor and full-strength beer into grocery and convenience stores.
The bill still needs Gov. Sam Brownback's signature.



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