Kansas Corn Corps Young Farmer Program Accepting Applications
Kansas Corn is accepting applications to the second class of the Kansas Corn Corps, a program for young farmers. This 16-month program provides learning and networking opportunities for young corn farmers and is sponsored by the Kansas Corn Commission and Kansas Corn Growers Association.  The Kansas Corn Corps program is focused on providing participants the opportunity to learn new techniques, strategies and information they can take back to their farms.
Kansas Corn will take applications from farmers 45 and younger to participate in Class 2 of Kansas Corn Corps until September 15, 2017. The program can accept up to 15 farms into each class.
Corn Corps is open to couples and individuals, allowing young growers to come together to learn skills and information they can use to enhance their farms. The program is designed to provide opportunities for engagement to enhance the Kansas corn industry. The sessions and a domestic agriculture trip will be held over a 16-month timeframe. The program also will include social networking opportunities throughout the year.
Participants learn how they fit into their farm as individuals; how their farms fit into the corn industry and what opportunities and hurdles the corn industry faces as part of the overall agriculture system.
"We strive to have speakers that will challenge our Corn Corps members and push them to think outside of the box," Stacy Mayo, Director of Industry Relations said. "Participants provide input into session topics, and each are challenged to find the best way to engage as individuals in the corn industry."
Class 1 of the Kansas Corn Corps held its first retreat in December, and is preparing for a second retreat in February.
"Early comments from our first class of the Corn Corps have been extremely positive," Mayo said. "In addition to being energized by the speakers, the class members emphasize the value of being able to build a network with young farmers from across the state."
Mayo encourages interested corn growers to apply for Kansas Corn Corps class soon. To participate, farmers must be active in the operation and growing corn in Kansas. Participants must be 45 or younger, and both men and women are encouraged to apply.  Applications for Class 2 are due Sept. 15, 2017.  For more information and to download the applications, visit kscorn.com/corncorps, or call Kansas Corn at 785-448-6922.

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