Atchison to Unify at Riverfront

(KAIR)--A special vigil is planned in Atchison for Tuesday evening.

“In light of all the recent events that have been happening, there’s a lot of emotions running high,” said “There’s a lot of stuff on Facebook, and I think it needs to stop. I think everyone cares about one another, deep down. I think we need to have a show of unity—black, white, brown, old, young, police and civilians.”

That’s Atchison resident Joshua Wheeler who’s organizing the vigil.

He says the community needs a time to come together in peace after the recent killings of black men in Minnesota and Louisiana and killings of law enforcement officers in Dallas.
“I reached out to some ministers from the pastoral alliance, and they’re going to lead it,” Wheeler said. “We’re going to pray for all the lives lost, for the police officers and all the black people killed. We’re going to pray for everyone.”

Wheeler said they will use balloons to symbolize sending prayers up at the end of the event.

The event starts at 7:00 this evening at the intersection of Commercial Street and River Road in Atchison.

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