Eastern Kansas Grazing School


The 6th annual Eastern Kansas Grazing School will take place Sept. 20-21 at the Perry Community Building in Perry, Kansas. The event is a hands-on school for Management intensive Grazing (MiG) for beginning and experienced grazers. It provides a unique combination of hands-on activities, as well as classroom activities and demonstrations in the field.

Topics to be covered on the first day include: Art and Science of Grazing, Grazing Arithmetic, Farm Visit Pasture Allocation, Animal Behavior and Interaction, Soil and Plant Basics, Resource Inventory and Stocking Rate, and Fencing.

Day two will include the following: Watering Presentation, Pasture Allocation and Field Exercises, Economics of Grazing, Layout and Design, and will wrap up with a question-and-answer session. There will be a farm visit to Melvin Williams, where participants will observe a rotational grazing system and unique watering systems.

The event is capped at 35 farms and is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration is $50 for the first person from each farm; registration includes lunches, snacks and handouts. Additional people from the same farm are $25, and that registration includes lunches and snacks.

For more information please contact Meadowlark Extension District agents David Hallauer at dhallaue@ksu.edu, or Jody Holthaus at jholthau@ksu.edu. For the registration form, go online to the Meadowlark Extension District website.

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