Dispatchers Honored with Local Proclamation

Editors note: the following was submitted by Jackson Co Sheriff Tim Morse

The Jackson County Board of Commissioners Monday signed a proclamation designating it Public Safety Telecommunications Week in Jackson County. The proclamation comes with the celebration of the National Public Safety Telecommunications Week that is currently ongoing from March 11th thru the 15th. Jackson County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers Cassie Wohlin and Kylie Matney attended the meeting with the commissioners.

Sheriff Tim Morse made this statement:

“While we have many heroes in our Nation who have personally sacrificed for our freedom and security at home and abroad. In our very midst, there is group of individuals who are seldom recognized. They are the unseen heroes who are the calm during the storm. They are the life line for getting help to our families in the time of need.   They don’t necessarily wear flashy uniforms or drive vehicles with lights and sirens, but they are there for you and your family in the worst minutes of your life. They are there in the middle of the night and on duty while you celebrate the holidays. They are there when all of your worldly possessions are engulfed in fire, or your loved one is in need of immediate life-saving intervention. They are there when an intruder is in your home. They are on the other end of the phone giving you a calm sense of direction or lifesaving instructions.

We have many brave men and woman in our county and brave fire, EMS and law enforcement personnel. However, we often forget our brave and professional public safety dispatchers right here in Jackson County, dispatchers from the City of Holton, the PBP Nation and the 911 dispatchers with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. During National Public Safety Tele-Communicators week, I want to personally thank these individuals for their personal sacrifice, professionalism and dedication in keeping us all safe.”


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