New Direction For Atchison Railroad Museum

(KAIR)--The Atchison Area Chamber of Commerce has officially entered into an agreement with the Northeast Kansas Railroaders to take over the rail museum as part of a strategic plan for increased tourism. The agreement comes with the mission to fix up, clean and paint the existing rail cars at the depot.

“I don't feel like we're really taking over, I feel like we've kind of worked on a marriage, because we will need their information, we will need their knowledge,” Chamber President Jacque Pregont told the Atchison City Commission Monday, prior to the Commission's vote to approve the agreement  4-0 with Commissioner Charlie Perdue, a member of the Train Club, abstaining from the vote. 

Pregont emphasized to commissioners she felt the rail museum is a tourism goldmine because there is so much history surrounding it. In order for the tourism sector of Atchison to get the most out of the railcars, they should be fixed up.

Pregont needed the city’s approval as some of the land is owned by the city that they need to sign over to the chamber. However, the city will be required to do very little maintenance of the site—just some minor weed spraying and mowing. 

Pregont also said they shouldn’t need funding for the city to fix up the rail cars. Rather, she plans to begin reaching out to the numerous train companies where the cars came from for donations. 

Pregont said the chamber is diving right into hosting events at the depot starting with the first annual Train Festival.

The inaugural event is set for April 30 with admission $5 for adults and free for children. There will be train rides as long as several activities for families. Watch for upcoming details on the Train Festival. 

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