KCA Provides Wildfire Relief; Teams with Go Bob Pipe & Steel


In the wake of the fires in Barber County and surrounding areas, Kansas Cattlemen's Association (KCA) immediately began making and fielding calls of support for the ranchers affected by the devastating fires. In the following days, KCA worked to coordinate hay and other supply deliveries from as far away as Kentucky, as well as receiving and distributing financial assistance from member donations.

"The outpouring of support from across the country for those affected by the fires has been incredible and a true testament of how, at the end of the day, we are here for each other. It became clear, early on, that securing and feeding the displaced livestock would be of highest priority. As the local emergency center was established and operational, KCA shifted focus from coordination to raising funds and pressing USDA and lawmakers to seek solutions," stated KCA Executive Director Tyler Dupy.

KCA in conjunction with Kansas Farmer's Union requested that the Risk Management Agency (RMA) take immediate action on claims of loss due to freeze of wheat crops near the affected fire region in order to free up these lands for farmers and ranchers to efficiently and safely move livestock within the local region. KCA will continue to work with Senator Roberts, Senator Moran, and RMA Administrator Brandon Willis to find solutions to help ease the burden of displaced livestock.

GoBob Pipe and Steel will donate gift vouchers to be used to purchase any GoBob products, at no cost to the recipient. GoBob will donate $1 for every post shared up to $10,000 of their notification post on Facebook. This offer will end April 30, 2016. The Kansas Cattlemen's Association will distribute the vouchers.

For those who would like to contribute monetarily, you may do so by mail or online via the KCA website. Make checks payable to Kansas Cattlemen's Association and put "Fire Relief" in the memo line and mail to 725 N. Washington St. Junction City, KS 66441. To donate online, visit   http://www.kansascattlemen.com/#!shop/c1hp5. All of the donations received will be distributed to the affected area.

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