Kansas Department of Agriculture Announces Incubator Kitchen Resource Guide


In an effort to provide support to small food-business start-ups, the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) has developed an Incubator Kitchen Resource Guide to provide critical information about incubator resources throughout the state of Kansas. 

 Incubator kitchens are food facilities that can be rented for short periods of time to allow individuals starting a food business to access commercial kitchen equipment in a cost effective manner. In recent years, nine incubator kitchens have been established across the state. As KDA works to provide support and assistance to help promote success for Kansas businesses, the Incubator Kitchen Resource Guide helps make this information more accessible.

 Users can find the Incubator Kitchen Resource Guide by visiting the KDA website.

 “The overhead costs of using an incubator kitchen can be much lower than renovating, building or renting facilities,” said Kerry Wefald, KDA marketing director. “Many incubator kitchens have commercial equipment that might be cost prohibitive for a small start-up.”

 Each business operating in an incubator kitchen, if required to be licensed, must be individually licensed to use the kitchen. A license is required if a processor is making a product that requires temperature control for safety or is distributing the product to grocery stores, restaurants or other wholesale distribution.

 “The Kansas Department of Agriculture is happy to assist businesses in assessing whether an incubator kitchen is a good fit for their operations,” Wefald said.

The Incubator Kitchen Resource Guide provides information on the following kitchens: 305 LLC, Topeka; Aunt Faye’s Community Kitchen, Morland; Culinary Commons Incubator Kitchen, Lawrence; Food Innovation Accelerator at K-State Olathe, Olathe; Glacial Hills Food Center, Horton; Harper County Education Center, Harper; Kitchen 4 Hire, Salina; Reverie Coffee Roasters, Wichita; and The Culinary Incubator at Elk Plaza, Hanston.


KDA is committed to providing an environment that enhances and encourages economic growth of the agriculture industry and the Kansas economy. For more information on the Incubator Kitchen Resource Guide, visit http://agriculture.ks.gov/divisions-programs/food-safety-lodging/incubator-kitchen-resource-guide.

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