College Announces $25 Million Construction Goal

(KAIR)--Construction of a $25 million dollar Science and Engineering facility is the goal of Benedictine College, with the Atchison-based private Catholic college reaching out for support to make the goal a reality. 

A letter from College President Steve Minnis is now posted to the college's website, and shared Friday on Facebook, announcing a new prayer campaign known as the  The Memorare Army for Benedictine Science Advancement. 

Saying the initiative is modeled on a campaign once launched by Mother Teresa, Minnis calls on supporters to “pray for donations” as the college seeks to build the new facility, which he calls “the cornerstone of a campuswide commitment to the sciences that is crucial for our times.” 

Minnis outlines the goal, saying 250 members need to be secured for the Memorare Army for Benedictine Science Advancement who each pray 1,000 Memorares in 2016 to make the project a reality. 

Minnis credits past Memorare Army campaigns in seeing the successful completion of two previous college campus building projects, Mary's Grotto and the Ferrell Academic Center.  

He cites Pope Francis's commitment to making science education a priority for colleges as one reason for the planned construction of the new building, as well as the college's decade-long emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math.

In the letter, Minnis says the campaign begins January 1st, the beginning of 2016, which marks 100 years of science degrees being offered at Benedictine College. 

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