Pay Raise Plan Draws Concern

(KAIR)--Just days short of Christmas, the Atchison City Commission approves a gift of sorts for city employees, with the approval of a 1.8% cost of living raise. 

Approval didn't come without discussion, as Commissioner Charlie Perdue questioned the stipulation that only employees “in good status” were eligible. “When you put something in there to that affect, you're just bringing friction amongst the employees,” Perdue stated during Monday's City Commission meeting. 

City Manager Trey Cocking addressed the concern. “It would exclude any employees who are are on disciplinary probation, and then typically they get that when they get off disciplinary probation. I'm more than happy to share those details with you in executive session, but it does include very many people at all.” 

Perdue further questioned the meaning of “in good status,” inquiring who makes that determination, which Cocking answered by saying, “Their supervisor. Then I review and approve it.” 

That raised further concerns for Perdue. “Say you've got an employee and he doesn't get along with the supervisor, or the supervisor doesn't like the employee, then he's going to get a no vote.” 

Cocking voiced apprehension at further public discussion on the issue, citing employee confidentiality requirements. “I would be more than happy to discuss this with you in executive session, if you want to table that amendment until then, you're more than welcome to. Or if you want to revise it, or direct me to do something differently, but we're very much treading on executive session type discussion at this point, Commissioner [Perdue].”

Perdue wanted the closed door executive session discussion, making a motion to table approval of the raise until that could be completed. His motion died due to the lack of second, leading to the Commission's vote to approve the raise. 

Approval was granted 4 to 1, with Perdue casting the lone no vote. 

Cocking was exempt from the salary increase, but was later granted one of his own, following an executive session where Commissioners unanimously approved the City Manager's 1.8% increase, plus retirement. 

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