Perry-Lecompton Students Investigated

(KAIR)--The investigation is continuing into the illegal entry of the Perry-Lecompton High School, apparently by a group of students, on two occasions. 

WIBW-TV reports property theft was apparently committed in one of the illegal entries. 

The investigation so far indicates entry was made through an unlocked door, with around 15 students being questioned in connection with the case. 

Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Herrig told the TV station that the amount of stolen property was minimal, not equating to the value necessary to list it as a felony. 

The two incidents happened on November 21st and November 28th. 

It's believed the first entry was made so the students could play basketball, while the second involved the alleged theft. 

The investigation will likely be concluded at the end of this week, with the findings to then be forwarded to the Jefferson County Attorney's Office for review. 

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