Downtown Hiawatha Parking Concerns Heard

(KNZA)--The operators of a downtown Hiawatha business appeared before the City Commission this week, asking that something be done to alleviate the lack of parking.

Andrea Winter and Ashley Tuttle, with Giggle Girls Cakery, told the Commission that the lack of parking in the 700 block of Oregon Street is costing them customers.

Tuttle said they are having an issue with customers being able to find a parking spot when they come in, adding customers are having to go around the block several times or park clear up the street.

Tuttle asked if there was anything the city could do, such as a one-to-two hour parking limit or reserve parking spaces.

Letters were presented to the Commission from several other businesses in the 700 block of Oregon also expressing issues with a lack of parking and support for time-limited parking.

However, Commissioners said they weren’t in favor of installing parking limit signs, and thought a better approach would be to ask the businesses to have their employees park in the back.

Winter and Tuttle said they have made that attempt, visiting with a majority of the businesses, but have not seen success in getting those employees to park in the back. 

Police Chief John Defore offered to personally visit with each of the businesses to request that their employees park in the back of their business as a first step towards solving the matter.

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