Funds To Be Raised for Davis Memorial Repairs

(KNZA)--A Hiawatha resident has set a goal to see repairs made to a historic local attraction, which has been a target of vandals in the past.

He's Sidney Mackey, who told the Hiawatha City Commission Monday evening that he wants to raise funds to make needed repairs to the Davis Memorial at the Mount Hope Cemetery and requested the city’s assistance.

The memorial is a collection of sculptures portraying the various stages of John and Sarah Davis’ lives together.   A massive granite canopy shelters the tombs and most of the marble statues.

John Davis had it erected in memory of his wife after she died in 1930, and the memorial was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.

Mackey, a Brown County Developmental Services client, says he became interested in the Davis Memorial after watching a television program about it.

In particular, he says it would like to see the head of John Davis, which is missing due to vandalism back in 1990, replaced.   

Mayor Steffen Shamburg told Mackey he thought it was a “really neat thing he’s doing,”  noting that the Davis Memorial is something Hiawatha is known for.

Mackey will meet with City Administrator Mike Nichols to discuss potential methods to begin fund raising efforts.   

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