Atchison Approves ADA Transition Plan

(KAIR)--The city of Atchison has approved a plan that would bring the city into full compliance with regulations set by the Americans with Disabilities Act over the next twenty to thirty years. 

City Public Works and Utilities Director Justin Pregont says the goal of the plan is to bring older structures up to date with the regulations and that “anything that is built new, is built compliant, that's just part of building codes now; but what we are really talking about is retrofitting city facilities that we've got, and that includes parks, that includes the event center, that includes city a lot of ways, it considers everything...public sidewalks and public ramps, wheelchair ramps at intersections and streets, all of those things are considered part of ADA law. 

Pregont adds that the plan, approved on a unanimous vote by Commissioners Monday afternoon, gets the city compliant with the law. He says that “administratively, we've got our transition plan documented, and then over the next twenty to thirty years, we just have to continue to make progress doing those retrofits and spending a little bit of money every year to eventually make everything compliant with that law.”

Pregont also wanted to thank the many people, including the ADA Advisory Committee and Deputy Public Works Director Clinton McNemee for their hard work in preparing the plan.

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