Marysville Superintendent Addresses Bond Issue

The following is submitted by USD 364 Superintendent Bill Mullins. 

The Board of Education met in a Special Meeting on Monday August 3rd and voted to move forward with a bond election that will take place on Tuesday November 3rd of this year. This decision came after extensive discussions in our Facilities Committee and months of seeking feedback from community members, parents, students, teachers, coaches, and administrators. The final proposal that was approved by the Board was modified based on the results from the nine Listening Tour events that we held in June and July. Based on the feedback we received from these meetings some things were added and some things were changed. The final proposal of a bond issue in the amount of $26.4 million includes the estimated project costs, a contingency amount, bonding costs of issuance, and interest during construction to help control the mill rate for the proposed 30-year bonds.

Yes, if the voters approve this bond issue it will increase your property taxes, but I prefer to think of this as an opportunity to invest in our kids and our community. In the 1930’s, 1960’s, and 1980’s people in our community made decisions to invest in our school buildings. Our buildings have served us well, but there are things that need to be updated. Our proposed plan focuses on three main areas: 1) Safe and secure buildings and grounds, 2) Learning environments that meet the needs of today’s learners, and 3) Maintaining, preserving, and improving our building infrastructure and building systems. Our kids and staff deserve safe and secure buildings and our kids futures will be enhanced by improving the learning environments in our buildings. We have a responsibility to everyone in our community to maintain, preserve, and improve our buildings.

In the coming months, we will have several opportunities for you to learn more about the specific components of our proposed plan. We do have long-range plans that are not included in $26.4 million proposal that you will vote on in November. These plans include parking and building new classrooms and lab space for the Agriculture Education program. It is our desire to address these future projects without another increase in the mill levy.

The $26.4 million bond issue that you will vote on in November includes a storm shelter area and additional instructional spaces at Marysville Elementary School. The plan also includes new and updated science classrooms at Marysville Junior/Senior High along with other classroom upgrades. The Master Plan for the district calls for putting classrooms in the high school gym. We believe that this gym is unsafe for athletes and spectators. This space is used for sub-varsity basketball games, but other than that it is rarely used. We have heard from multiple parents their concerns about children getting home at 9:30 or 10:00 at night because of late basketball practices. Our proposed plan does include a new gymnasium/physical education complex. We are still finalizing plans for this area, but we intend to include a walking track that will be open to the public at times, enough practice space to hold two practices at the same time, and enough seating for games. We intend to find ways that this will be more of a community center than just a gym. The plans also include significant improvements to our building infrastructure and building systems including plumbing, windows, fire alarm systems, ceilings, walls, and floors. 

We are currently in the process of organizing and planning an informational campaign to educate everyone in the community about this proposal and how it would impact you as individuals and impact our community as a whole. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to assist us during the campaign. If you would like to volunteer please contact me at the district office. Our first organizational meeting will be held on Thursday August 13th at 6:00 pm. We are searching for a location and we will announce that information as soon as it is available.

This project and this bond issue is not about me and it is not about the board members. It is about our community and about our kids. I believe this project is an economic development issue in addition to a school issue. Regardless of your opinion about this project, I encourage you to go to the Clerk’s Office at the Marshall County Courthouse and get registered to vote. Our future as a community and our future as a State depends on increased voter turnout which starts with getting registered. I know there are many different opinions on this bond issue, but I am convinced that the most important thing is for your voices to be heard and you will have that opportunity on November 3rd. 

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