Atchison's Sixth Street Viaduct Project Making Progress

(KAIR)--Repair work on Atchison's Sixth Street viaduct is moving forward at a steady pace.

City Public Works and utilities Director Justin Pregont says that Bottorff Construction, the primary contractor for the approximately $271,000 project, has reported favorable progress. “I think we are satisfied with the progress they are making on the project, they are satisfied. I don't want to make any promises about a specific date that that will be back open to traffic, but at this point, it's progressing on pace to slightly ahead of pace.”

Pregont adds that weather conditions play a big part in how fast the work is completed, and while he cannot promise the viaduct will be open in time for the Amelia Earhart Festival next month, there have been some conversations about getting to a point in the project where that would be possible.

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