KS Joins National Lawsuit Against Cancer Charities

Former KS Atty General Derek Schmidt

(MSC News)--Have you questioned the validity of phone calls, and other fund raising efforts, made in the name of some cancer charities?

The federal government did, and now Kansas follows suit, with Attorney General Derek Schmidt this week filing a federal lawsuit against four cancer charities and their operators. 

That comes as the Federal Trade Commission alleges the groups scammed donations of more than $187 million across the nation. 

Named in the lawsuit are the Cancer Fund of America, the Children's Cancer Fund of America, Cancer Support Services and the Breast Cancer Society. 

Authorities say the organizations were all run by members of the same family who used the donations to pay for everything from expensive vacations to college tuition. 

Schmidt urges caution when providing donations, and provides these tips to keep yourself from falling victim to sham organizations: 

-Ask for written information, including how much of the money raised is actually used for charitable purposes and how much will end up in the hands of the professional fundraiser.

-Be careful with telemarketers requesting contributions ? oftentimes the telemarketer keeps a substantial portion of the donation.

-Do not be pressured into making a contribution or pledge.

-Do not feel obligated to send a donation to charities that send token gifts such as key chains, greeting cards, mailing labels, etc.

-Make certain the charitable organization actually serves the need it claims to serve.

-Ask for financial statements of the organization to determine who will benefit from the donations.

-Make a personal giving plan and support well established charities on your terms, not in response to marketing solicitations.

More information on staying safe from scams is available on the attorney general’s consumer protection website at www.InYourCornerKansas.org.

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