Atchison Sets CSO Rates

(KAIR)--The Atchison City Commission has passed a resolution setting rates for the city's Combined Sewer Overflow system.
City Manager Trey Cocking says the resolution “takes residential trash to zero dollars. That's now going to be paid for with the sales tax that was passed in 1993. Its a county wide sales the city will be in full compliance with the 1993 election question, and be devoting 100% of those proceeds to solid waste and joint communication.”

Cocking adds that a CSO fee was also created. He says that “we are under a KDHE mandate to raise our revenues in our sewer fund to $3.1 million to fund CSO corrections. So this helps get us there, but what it does is create a $13.32 fee for the CSO system, which is the same as the trash fee was also assesses commercial customers at 11.5% or the minimum of $13.32 per month.”

Cocking says that most residents should see the change with the May billing cycle, though some could see it in the last week of April.

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