America Saves Week Celebrated

(KAIR)--Millions of American workers are a paycheck away from financial disaster.

That, according to a recent study by a national bank website, which also found that fewer than twenty five percent of all Americans have six months or more of savings.

Bev McConaughey, Manager of River Cities Community Credit Union in Atchison is urging anyone interested in saving more money to participate in America Saves Week. She says the week really helps bring awareness to the importance of building a savings account and “ them suggestions for easy ways to save. People are encouraged to save all year long.”

McConaughey adds that having a healthy savings account of $500-$1,000 is a good idea for many reasons as it can help if an emergency comes up, can help with purchasing items, and can save you money on interest when you take out a loan.

America saves week runs February 23rd-27th, and is coordinated by America Saves and the American Savings Education Council. You can learn more about good savings habits by going to

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