Horton Reinvention Gains New Ground

Marcus Lemonis

(KNZA)--As the new year moves forward, so does the ongoing effort to bring new life to the Brown County Community of Horton, with a plan revealed to entice new businesses into the city. 

It was last month that entrepreneur and host of MSNBC's The Profit reality series, Marcus Lemonis, finalized his purchase of five downtown buildings, with two to be demolished. 

Horton Mayor Tim Lentz says Lemonis is now reaching out to aspiring small business owners to provide him with their visions, for possible use of the remaining three buildings. “Marcus has rolled out the Lemonis Small Business Incubator Program

Lentz tells MSC News. “The business owner will be responsible for submitting proposals to Horton@marcuslemonis.com as why the business will fit Horton and then it will be reviewed by Lemonis himself along with the Horton community to ensure a mutual fit. The chosen businesses will also have an opportunity to gain up to $25,000 in microlending from Marcus Lemonis himself, in order to help fund the start-up of these businesses.” 

Lemonis, after learning of the failing state of the community's business district, came to Horton in January of last year, with the visit leading to the formation of the underway Reinvent Horton campaign. 

That includes the painting of buildings, including this past weekends enhancement of the local armory, as well as city-funded infrastructure improvements along with successful fundraising campaigns for the effort. “We set out on a campaign to raise money for the twenty-two new light poles downtown. The light pole cost of that project was $49,500, and within three weeks we raised $50,800 to get all the poles paid for and then some.”

The Reinvent Horton committee has also developed plans seeking outside support for the town's recovery from major metropolitan areas and donors, and has set up a GoFundMe crowdfunding page for the city of Horton. Interested parties can also mail donations for the revitalization plan to Reinvent Horton at 205 East 8th Street in Horton, Kansas 66439.

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