Johnson-Brock School Board Approves Transfers from General Fund

(KTNC)--The Johnson-Brock School Board approved several transfers from the General Fund to other district accounts during this week’s meeting.
 The largest transfer was of $150,000 to the Depreciation Fund. The money is being used to pay for the remodeling project in the 1936 building, which involves bringing the fire exit up to current standards.
 The board also transferred $10,000 from to the Lunch Fund. Superintendent Jeff Koehler says that is a lower amount than they normally move into the Lunch Fund. He says the board did not transfer anything to the Activity Fund, as that account is doing well.
 The Johnson-Brock Board approved agreements with a couple other neighboring districts for distance learning classes.
 They approved an agreement with Sterling for a Spanish teacher and with Johnson County Central for FFA instruction.
 Koehler presented the board with preliminary budget information.
 He anticipates the budget will be similar to the past year, with no major spending increase.
Koehler says the district’s levy should be lower, due to an increase in property valuations. The levy will include six-cents for the Special Building Fund to pay for the current construction project, and six to seven cents for the Bond Fund to pay off the 2003 addition.
The budget picture will clear up for Johnson-Brock and other Nebraska school districts when property valuations are certified next week.

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