Denison Mayoral Recall Election Planned

(KNZA)--A Jackson County community of less than 200 has decided to hold an August election to decide whether or not the Mayor should be recalled. 

A petition to recall Mayor  Audrey Oliverius is now filed and validated by the Jackson County Clerk after 29 signatures, more than the required 12, were collected from registered Denison voters. 

According to the recall petition, Oliverius, at the end of the March 10th City Council meeting, called for an executive session., and dismissed the public and the City Clerk. 

On April 3rd, the City Clerk received an email from Oliverius telling the clerk what to add to the March 10th meeting minutes regarding a motion made, and vote taken, during the executive session. 

Taking such action during a closed door executive session is a violation of the Kansas Open Meetings Act, and is the publicly stated reason behind the planned recall election. 

The Holton Recorder reports that Oliverius cites a lack of familiarity with the requirements as the reason behind the infraction. She told the newspaper the City of Denision does not provide any orientation, or guidance, for elected positions, and not one of the Council's four members, all in attendance during the executive session, voiced opposition to the motion and vote. 

Three of those four members have signed the recall petition, which was validated May 13th. 

Oliverius has 30 days to appeal the recall and file an injunction. 

The recall election is set for the August 5th primary. 

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