Fire Destroys Rural Pawnee County Home
Randy Gottula Picture
Randy Gottula Picture
Randy Gottula Picture
Randy Gottula Picture

 (KLZA) -- High winds late Wednesday afternoon contributed to a rural Pawnee County fire resulting in the loss of a home, garage and pickup.  

The fire occurred at the home of Doug and Gwen Zeibig located about a half-mile west of the junction of Highways 4 and 50.  No injuries were reported by a witness on the scene.

According to the witness, a power line from the garage to the house is believed to be the source of the fire which ignited the pickup.  From the pickup the fire spread to the garage and sustained winds reported at 40 miles per hour soon caused the fire to spread to the home.

Several fire departments responded to the fire call including Pawnee City, Table Rock, Elk Creek, Burchard and Steinauer.

Firemen were able to keep the fire from spreading to a nearby pasture and CRP fields despite the strong winds.