Atchison Seeks Help In Improving Downtown Offerings

(KAIR)--The goal is to bring new stores and restaurants to Atchison. City officials have looked into hiring PGAV Consulting, an urban planning firm to conduct a market study in the city. Community Development Director Stephanie Leif says the study would be very detailed, and would seek to gain as much input from residents as possible. They want to find out exactly what the community is as far as the current retail economy and what their target areas are for retail recruitment. What the study would find out is getting together demographic and economic data, and really figuring out where the city needs to be targeting.

Leif says officials have a good idea how they want the study handled as well a clear idea  on what qualifications the firm should bring to the study. They should be very sensitive and have a lot of experience working with traditional downtowns, like the one in Atchison.  She adds that the city has a very strong downtown, and they really want to strengthen that.

Leif adds that a lot of people in town have expressed interest in having major retailers come to the city, but there is a reality as to why they may not be able to come to town. However, there are other businesses that may be more than willing to come to Atchison.

The proposal to enter into a contract with PGAV Consulting was brought before the City Commission Monday afternoon, but the motion was tabled until the Commission could hear from a representative from the firm.

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