Atchison Economy Remains Stable in 2013

(KAIR)--Business has been good in the city of Atchison in 2013. According to Community Development Director Stephanie Leif, all the major employers in the city have remained in the past year. She adds that although there were a few that had some layoffs earlier in the year, others have made new hires in addition to making some significant capital investments into their Atchison facilities, so this did even things out. Leif says she is comfortable in saying that overall, the economy has been reasonably stable.

As for small business, Leif says that the city has seen the growth of current smaller businesses as well as the addition of several more over the past year. She also says that unfortunately, there were some that had to close their doors for a variety of reasons from family or personal commitments to the state of the economy. But she is optimistic that when one door closes, that frees up space in the same location for another business.

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