Stormy Weather Doesn’t Damper Memorial Day Ceremonies

(KAIR) -- The stormy weather Monday morning didn’t put a damper on the Atchison American Legion and VFW’s visit to 10 cemeteries around the area and Veterans Park to commemorate lost love ones for Memorial Day.

Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate Union soldiers who died in the Civil War.

By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service.

Atchison City Commissioner Larry Purcell served in the U.S. Army as a radio operator in the 1950s achieving the rank of Specialist, Third Class.

He says it’s important to take a moment during the holiday to reflect on those who lost their lives.

(Play Audio)

Just over a dozen people gathered at the Atchison Riverfront for the ceremony, which contained a special message and poem, followed by a 21 gun salute and the playing of the taps.

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