Committee Hears Solid Waste Fee/Tipping Fee Comparison

(KAIR) -- Meetings continued Tuesday morning in an effort to keep representatives throughout Atchison County informed about the solid waste and recycling program overhaul.

First, Solid Waste Committee Chair Derek Franklin asked for an update on the current programs in the city of Atchison and Atchison County.

County Commissioner Jeff Schuele says they are awaiting the end of their contract with their current provider, Waste Management, to their new provider, Deffenbaugh, which will occur in April.

City Manager Trey Cocking said the poly cart program is in round two of their pilot; however, he and County Solid Waste Project Manager Chase Brunick say a delay has come up with the planned implementation of the recycling program. (Play Audio)  

Cocking says the city of Atchison themselves will see no savings by implementing the recycling program.

However, Brunick says having the recycling program has its importance in the long run on the county side as a whole.

(Audio Continues)   

In moving forward with assessments for next year, the committee is weighing options on continuing with a solid waste fee on property taxes, relying on sales tax or switching to a tipping fee.

Brunick compared the pros and cons of the a utility fee, which is the solid waste fee and a tipping fee. (Audio Continues)  

However, Brunick says the overhaul of the county transfer station will cause a major cost before you can get to a tipping fee. (Audio Continues)

In addition, Brunick says if an overhaul is done, it would take one to two years to fully implement.  

The committee decided on a firm date to meet on the first Thursday of the month going forward at 9am.

They will continue weighing these options at the next meeting on April 4th.

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