USD 115 Options Explored

 ( KMZA )--Additional information is received by the Nemaha Central USD 115 Board of Education regarding the three options under consideration for the fate of the B & B Junior-Senior High School. 

One option would use all or part of the facility for a 6th-8th grade middle school for the entire district, while the others would close the building with students attending Seneca schools, either all at once or by gradual transition. 

A potential savings of nearly $514,000 is estimated for the district by closing the facility. 

 A side by side comparison of costs, provided by Superintendent Darrel Kohlman during this week's Board of Education meeting, breaks down the expenses of having the 6th-8th grades at the B & B building versus the Nemaha Valley Elementary and Middle School in Seneca. It indicates a total cost of nearly $815,00 at Baileyville compared to just over $600,000 at Seneca. 

According to Kohlman, current enrollment projections shows there would be sufficient room in the Nemaha Valley Middle School wing to  house all middle school students after the 2013-14 school year. 

Meanwhile, a February 25th meeting between the administration team and Highland Community College officials shows that the college remains interested in the Baileyville building, regardless of whether or not HCC also purchases another building in Seneca. 

A decision regarding the fate of the B & B facility is expected to be made by the school board when they meet for a special session Wednesday evening at 6:00 in the Nemaha Valley Elementary and Middle School gymnasium. 

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