Gun-Related Sales Up in Region

(KAIR) -- Three-thousand-573.

That’s the amount of concealed carry handgun permit applications that the Kansas Attorney General’s Office reported last week that they received in Feburary.

It’s a state record for one-month applications, which was previously set with three-thousand-167 the month prior.

With those permits, come the purchases of guns and accessories, which have also seen a significant rise in the local area.

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That’s Rick Dillon, owner of Atchison Outfitters.

In late January, President Barack Obama issued 23 executive orders, including several regulations in relation to guns.

The President at that time also urged Congress to pass gun laws that included the ban of military assault rifles, requiring background checks for all gun sales, ban gun magazines with capacities of more than 10 rounds and toughen penalties on people who sell guns to those who can't have them.

Dillon says this added fuel to the fire when it came to overall sales.

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The frenzy has also caused some places put limits on their ammo sales, but Dillon is not one of them.

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He says the ones he has placed limits on are due to its demand that he’s seen by several organizations.

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Demand has peaked enough that some people even were at his store during the course of the interview, waiting for the trucks to arrive with new deliveries.

Dillon says when trucks arrive; he commonly puts in 48 straight hours at the office, bunking up at the store until the new items are accounted for.

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