Horselogger Strolls Through Atchison

(KAIR) -- It’s not very often that you see a person going down a major road or highway in a horse and carriage as their primary means of transportation, however, one man has been on a journey for quite some time and has made a stop in Atchison.

Originally from Montana, Lee the Horselogger has been traveling like this since August 9th, 2006.

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Lee was able to make it to see his sweetheart in the Bronx, New York and is on his way again to do so across America for the third time.

He says it’s always an interesting challenge on the road.

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Lee travels with his horses at three miles an hour and sets a goal to travel 100 miles a week.

He usually gets up early in the morning to feed his horses, which takes five to six hours before they begin their daily travel.

Many of you may wonder what he does to get supplies for himself and his horses?

He says a majority of it comes from free will donation.

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Lee now hopes he can get a police escort for his carriage over the Amelia Earhart Bridge Friday morning when continues his journey.

In the meantime, he’s camping at the Full Moon Saloon west of Atchison.

To learn more about or to help out Lee on his journey, you can go to his web site,

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