Atchison Police/USD 409 Begin "CommUnity" Partnership

(KAIR) -- In an effort to familiarize young children with police officers, the Atchison Police Department and USD 409 are working together to expand officer’s interaction with students.

The entities are promoting “Classroom CommUnity Collaboration,” aimed at Atchison Elementary School students.

Reverend Cynthia Meyer of the Atchison United Methodist Church, brought the idea to law enforcement and school leaders, recognizing the need for collaboration across the community to nurture all our children and to build a healthy community for today and the future. 

The program is inspired by the service of Sergeant David Enzbrenner, who lost his life in the line of duty last December.
Sergeant Enzbrenner was involved in many children’s lives through his involvement with the United Methodist Church, in youth athletics and through his work as an officer.

School liaison, Officer Josh Sinclair says the students have given positive feedback so far.

(Play Audio)  RT: :11

The officers that volunteer are each assigned to a particular classroom or grade and will visit the school to interact informally during morning gathering time, at lunch and during recess.

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